Thursday, March 19, 2009


After I agreed to contribute to this blog, I began to doubt. I’ve begun post after post but always hit the delete button. Through all the struggle I’ve still wanted to be a part of this blog - “Through Him all things are possible” – because it’s what I truly believe. God can do anything & through Him anything can be done. Will it always turn out how we want it to? No – but He knows the big picture. He knows what’s best for us. Sometimes that’s really difficult to understand. I in particular would love it if God could answer my prayers with the exact things I ask for – well maybe I’m just a control freak! But I have learnt throughout my life that God’s ways are without a doubt the best - even when it hurts very, very much.
Does that mean he always answers differently to how I want Him to? No. So often prayers are answered exactly the way I do ask. These may be prayers that don’t seem that important at the time or prayers that are of extreme importance. Sometimes I have found it so hard to pray. When my twins had TTTS & were only days from death I really couldn’t come up with words even though I felt as if my whole body was praying/ pleading with God. When my Dad had a major brain haemorrhage & we didn’t think would make it through the night… all I could do was whimper “oh God”. But that’s when the prayers of others are so important – people not so close to the issue – people who can pray “ Your will be done” & really mean it. In both cases we had many, many Christians from all over the world praying …and God heard….& answered – in one case in exactly the way we asked, in the other differently to how we asked, but still miraculously. That’s why I love the avenue that this blog is taking. I love the chance to bring others’ prayer requests to our Loving Father & ask for His intervention. That’s why I’m excited to be a part of “Through Him all things are possible”. Because He truly has the best for us in mind.


debi9kids said...

Just beautiful Renata! That is exactly how I feel and you put it so perfectly.
Thank you & blessings!

Renee said...

thank you Renata for your message here. I needed to hear this today as we wait patiently for God to answer our prayers about a personal situation. Remembering that God knows and wants what is best for us...thank you for the beautiful pictures too.

sel said...

Great post, so true,


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