Friday, March 19, 2010

God Is In The Details

Matthew 10:30 (The Message)

"He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail ~ even numbering the hairs on your head."

This past week we have seen God working in the all the details as we prepare for my uterine cancer surgery on March 23rd. Due to living with Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, the surgery is a bit more of a risk.

Isaiah 30:21 says, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'"

Last week when this verse in Isaiah popped up, we grabbed on to it and claimed this promise, continually asking God to show us the way ~ where to have surgery, when, how to deal with my extensive allergies and sensitivities, etc. He has done that, and more. My Lyme specialist and her staff bent over backwards to help us make these decisions, and my GYN surgeon is open to my special needs. Even the anesthesiologist and hospital have been involved. God has shown up in all the details.

What I want to share today is another small way God revealed how He is in the details of my life. My sister Jan sent me a birthday gift from Dayspring. Along with that she had ordered me some cards to send out to others. She knows how much I love cards and stationary~! I called to thank her for the gifts and shared how helpful the cards were. Several were absolutely what I needed to hear for myself, at a time when fear decided to camp out in my living room. I told her I thought I would just sign her name on them and keep them for encouragement! (smile). She then said, "Well, I know you like the Wooley brand cards, so I wanted to send some." I said to her, "Jan I did not get any Wooley cards, I got a number of encouragement cards from Max Lucado!" As we both realized that a "divine mix-up" had occurred for me, I told her, "I don't think I will sign your name to the cards, I think I will sign God's!
He knew exactly what I needed to hear." God was in the details of even this. I am amazed and yet I should not be, at how He has walked us through this past test, one procedure, one appointment, one birthday gift at a time. He will walk with us through the coming days too. If He knows the number of the hairs on my head, He knows just what I need at this time in my life.

Are you feeling lonely or forgotten today? Don't believe it! God loves us so much He is weaving His grace through the smallest details of our lives. We are deeply loved by a powerful God.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Praying GOD continues to work in and through your heart and life. Praying HE will touch you in a new and profound way. Praying for healing, restoration, strength, and divine guidance for each doctor, nurse, and staff member that will come in contact with you. May HIS will be done!
Hugs, andrea


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